Imam Khomeini’s fatwa about Salman Rushdie was historical and great


Imam Khomeini’s fatwa about Salman Rushdie was historical and great

Imam’s fatwa was great and historical, and it made a new wave throughout the Islamic world and showed he is sensitive about religion, sacred issues of a religion and the prophet.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 01:20

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A comprehensive study on Imam Khomeini’s personality from an educational perspective was released

A comprehensive study on Imam Khomeini’s personality from an educational perspective was released

A booklet of comprehensive study on Imam Khomeini’s personality from an educational perspective in the name of “Mastar” was released by Al-Mustafa international university’s cultural-educational department.

Monday, February 13, 2012 10:10

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Imam Khomeini’s thoughts are suitable for all the Muslim nation rather Shia or Sunni

Deputy of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan and a MP of that country in an interview with Jamaran news agency

Imam Khomeini’s thoughts are suitable for all the Muslim nation rather Shia or Sunni

Saturday, February 11, 2012 11:23

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``The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.``

Mohammad Javad Larijani:

''The letter was to design the relations after the Soviet collapse.''

After we returned from Moscow, early in the morning we went to visit Imam Khomeini; he told us: "Was Marxism over or not?" and I replied: "It was completely over", ***I always pity that Imam's letter was never analyzed well so that its thoughtful and deep sources could be revealed and we could find its meanings.***Shevardnadze told me he was shelterless against Imam's looks.***Imam's message had a great affect, the letters literature was quite interesting for them, they were faced with a leader like Imam Khomeini who spoke strongly, opposite to countries who spoke with strain against the Kremlin officials or always argue with them.

Monday, January 23, 2012 09:42

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``Your message has deep concerns about the fate of mankind``

Gorbachev’s response to Imam Khomeini:

''Your message has deep concerns about the fate of mankind''

On January 4th 1989 Imam Khomeini’s message was delivered to Gorbachev by his selected delegations who were Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Mohammad Javad Larijani and Mrs. Marzieh Hadidehchi Dabbaq. Eight weeks later Gorbachev delivered his response to Imam Khomeini by the then Soviet foreign minister, Edward Shevardnadze in Tehran. Gorbachev saw a great value to Imam’s message in his response, but it was clear that he had not understood the spiritual dimensions of Imam’s message. Because he had first tried to describe his activities for promoting political freedom in the Soviet Union and then he had described the achievements of a communist economic from 1917 till now. In the meeting between Eduard Shevardnadze, those days Soviet foreign minister, and Imam Khomeini, Ali Akbar Velayati, those days Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Larijani, deputy of the foreign minister and a member of the delegation, and Alireza Nobari, then the Iranian ambassador to the Soviet Union were also present.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 08:54

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The ‘Imam Khomeini and Islamic Teachings and Guidance’ Convention was held

Imam Khomeini’s philosophical views discussed

The ‘Imam Khomeini and Islamic Teachings and Guidance’ Convention was held

The ‘Imam Khomeini and Islamic Teachings and Guidance’ Convention was held in order to compare the Islamic philosophy of guidance with the Western philosophy. This convention will be held in February and will be hosted by the office of the deputy head of research and information technology of the University of Qom

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 04:11

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Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

Gorbachev and Imam Khomeini

Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

In 1999, on the anniversary of the death of Imam Khomeini’s demise, in an interview with the IRIB News Agency in Moscow, Gorbachev regretted ignoring the Imam’s warnings three years before the collapse of the Soviet Union and said: “I think Imam Khomeini’s message addressed all the ages throughout history.” He also added: “When I received this message, I felt the person who wrote it was thoughtful and cared about the situation of the world. By studying the letter, I realized that he was someone who was worried about the world and wanted me to understand more about the Islamic revolution.”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 09:37

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A Gathering Discussing Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential School of Thought

Imam and Governance

A Gathering Discussing Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential School of Thought

The Imam’s opinion and views on governance and the difference between a fagih’s ruling and a governmental ruling are of great importance in jurisprudential governance. The Imam’s jurisprudential school of thought discusses the matter of governance, politics and power at length. Hujjat al-Islam Sa’eed Ziya’ei Fard, who is a howza intellectual and researcher, talked about the Imam’s jurisprudential school of thought at the gathering discussing Imam Khomeini’s jurisprudential school of thought.

Monday, January 09, 2012 09:18

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