17 years has passed since the demise of Hajj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, Imam’s beloved son and companion

17 years has passed since the demise of Hajj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, Imam’s beloved son and ...

“As the overpowering, omnipresent and avenging God is my witness, since the day Ahmad has been administering my affairs in the exterior wing of my house till this very moment that I am writing these lines, he has taken no step and used no pen against my words or my written texts. He has also been painstakingly thorough in ensuring that not one word or even one letter of my sayings or writings is distorted. In addition even if he was sure that a letter needed to be fixed, he did not do so without my permission.” Imam Khomeini

Sunday, March 11, 2012 12:50

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Who does March 16th remind us about?

Grand Ayatollah Fazil Lankarani : Sayyid Ahmad was Imam’s trustee

Who does March 16th remind us about?

17 years after the demise of Hojatoleslam Hajj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, the valuable relic of Imam Khomeini has passed and still the people of Iran have sorrow on his loss. He who especially after the martyrdom of Sayyid Mustafa, Imam Khomeini’s older son, kept all the secrets of Imam and had devoted his life in the path of the divine aspirations of the Islamic revolution.

Saturday, March 10, 2012 02:58

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Imam Khomeini’s revolution attained the culture of Ahl al-Bayt to the world

Argentinean scholar:

Imam Khomeini’s revolution attained the culture of Ahl al-Bayt to the world

In 1979 Iran’s Islamic revolution had become victorious and Imam Khomeini sent clergies to Latin America. One of them came to Argentina and made a Mosque. This clergyman translated several books and caused a new movement through Muslims

Wednesday, March 07, 2012 02:52

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A literature session was held about ``Imam Khomeini’s role and reviving spirituality`` in Kyrgyzstan

A literature session was held about ''Imam Khomeini’s role and reviving spirituality'' in Kyrgyzstan

The message of all prophets of God and the mission of the prophet of Islam was inviting mankind towards being alive and living or in other words moving from material world to the divine world. Imam Khomeini who was a student of this school of thought also invited every one to the same thing. Imam Khomeini, a character which is studied from different dimensions in the 21st century, is a unique divine leader. He was the one who made all souls joyful.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 02:14

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The Opening of Imam Khomeini Cultural Center in South Lebanon

The Opening of Imam Khomeini Cultural Center in South Lebanon

Imam Khomeini is a unique person in this age and has different scientific and political dimensions, which unfortunately his character isn’t known and introduced as it should have been.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 02:11

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The Islamic awakening in the Arab countries is adapted by Imam Khomeini’s revolution

Archbishop “Mansour Damaskinos” leader of the Orthodox Christians in Brazil:

The Islamic awakening in the Arab countries is adapted by Imam Khomeini’s revolution

The archbishop of Orthodox Christians in Brazil considered the Islamic awakening wave in the Arab countries adapted from Imam Khomeini’s revolution and the Iranian nation’s fighting against the Shah’s dictatorship.

Sunday, February 19, 2012 02:06

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Imam’s fatwa about Salman Rushdie was an Islamic  Juridical verdict


Imam’s fatwa about Salman Rushdie was an Islamic Juridical verdict

Insulting the feelings of the majority of world’s population is a crime against humanity

Saturday, February 18, 2012 01:29

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Imam Khomeini belongs to all the Muslims in the world

Head of the International Organization of Dialogue of Religions and Civilizations in an interview with Jamaran news agency

Imam Khomeini belongs to all the Muslims in the world

Imam Khomeini belonged to all the Muslims, I mean he wasn’t just for the Shias and he supported all the issues of Islam and Palestine. Also he leaded all the poor throughout the world and he Christians and Jews had no difference for him and this is a sign of the Islamic spirit within him that made him look at all the poor with one view and it had no importance for him whether that poor person is a Muslim or not.

Friday, February 17, 2012 11:48

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