Imam Ali ('a) as a perfect model to follow for the whole humanity

Imam Ali ('a) as a perfect model to follow for the whole humanity

The founder of the Islamic Republic frequently said that Imam Ali—the truthful infallible successor of the holy prophet of Islam has been perfect model to follow for the whole humanity throughout all ages.

Imam Khomeini used to maintain that that Imam Ali (PBUH), is the appearance of the absolute justice and the marvel of the world.

Imam Khomeini used to maintain that Imam Ali (PBUH), the truthful infallible successor of the holy prophet of Islam, is the appearance of the absolute justice, the marvel of the world.

The founder of the Islamic Republic invited all government officials and masses to follow footsteps Imam Ali (PBUH) in all perspectives of life.

The well-known and reliable hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) is that "I am the city of knowledge and 'Ali is its gate".

According to Imam Khomeini, in the early days of Islam, the ideal Islamic government ruled twice: first at the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and secondly when Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon them) governed the Muslim societies and set unprecedented divine patterns.

He emphasized that Imam Ali (PBUH) is the manifestation of all divine names and attributes.

The late founder of the Islamic on various ocassion in this regard said as following:
Imam Khomeini: Imam Ali (PBUH) was a devotee of God Almighty who had disassociated himself from everything except the real Lord. He had crossed all obstacles and dark barriers in a bid to gain access to everlasting treasures of divine dignity.

Sahifeh-ye-Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini: Rajab 13th is a day when justice (Imam Ali, the faithful commander of Believers) is born in the world; He reflected the global justice and himself was a miracle in the world. 

Sahifeh-ye-Imam, Vol. 12, page 298            

 Imam Ali was a governor who governed a country which extended from Hijaz and Egypt to Iran and elsewhere, but was humbler than any of his subjects. 

 Imam Ali's magnitude was so vast that cont'd that it can conqure the universe solitary soul which emerged purified from all contamination.

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