He always used to arrange and attend mourning ceremonies on 21st of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which marks the martyrdom of Imam Ali (PBUH).
The founder of the Islamic Republic said that if societies follow the conduct of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), then they could be prevented from social and moral decline and a viable and fair social justice could be established across the world.
The founder of the Islamic Republic maintained that Imam Ali has been the marvel of the world , who has no equal by kindness in the world-from the beginning until the eternity- unless the more respectable Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him).
According to the founder of the Islamic Revolution, involvement in government affairs, however, never for a moment distracted his attention from his duties towards his family and kinsmen, nor from the worship of God Almighty in which he was deeply engrossed. The prayer and supplications bequeathed to humanity by Imam Ali (PBUH) are testimony in this regard.
These and other qualities made a lasting impression on the mind of the young Ruhollah from his childhood and lasted till the end of his fruitful life, during which he considered the path blazed out by Imam Ali (PBUH) all humanity as a guiding light. The honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, sagacity, and the acumen to differentiate right from wrong, were indeed ethereal values for the faithful to emulate.
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