The Effects of Iran Islamic Revolution upon Freedom Movements of the world

The Effects of Iran Islamic Revolution upon Freedom Movements of the world

The Islamic Republic of Iran that is reminded as the last revolution of twentieth (20th) century by most of people, is one of the most important historical incidents of the 20th century, and that is the cause of many historical events and social and political changes.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013 09:59

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Why are the Ossifieds More Dangerous than the Seculars

Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani’s Narration about a Historic Word of Imam

Why are the Ossifieds More Dangerous than the Seculars

Some ones wish to push the country in situation that the supreme leader’s vote stands against people’s vote.

Saturday, September 22, 2012 02:33

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Imam Khomeini`s Verdict Regarding the Satanic Verses Was a Deterrent to Sacrilege

Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Secretary General:

Imam Khomeini's Verdict Regarding the Satanic Verses Was a Deterrent to Sacrilege

Hezbollah Secretary General in his speech considered defending the Prophet of Islam as defending all the sacred matters, prophets and divine religions and stated: "To create sedition among Muslims and Christians in the world is the main goal for repeating these sacrileges and right now the Christians are used by the enemies."

Thursday, September 20, 2012 01:17

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Supreme Leader`s Message Condemning Anti-Islam Film

Supreme Leader's Message Condemning Anti-Islam Film

The following is the full text of the message issued on September 13, 2012 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution to condemn an American-made film which insults the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.). This message reminds us Imam Khomeini's historical verdict on 14 February 1989 which was issued to condemn Salman Rushdie's book ''The Satanic Verses''.

Saturday, September 15, 2012 07:22

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Imam Is a Sign of God in Our Age

An Indian Professor:

Imam Is a Sign of God in Our Age

Dr. Nezhat Moini said: “Some people are regarded as a sign of God on earth and by their sayings and life people find about God and His orders and the Imam is one of those persons who are considered a sign of God for our age.”

Friday, June 15, 2012 02:58

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The American reporter who had interviewed Imam Khomeini passed away

The American reporter who had interviewed Imam Khomeini passed away

Mike Wallace, the CBS journalist who had interviewed Imam Khomeini after the victory of Iran’s Islamic Republic, died in the age of 93.

Sunday, April 15, 2012 09:41

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