Imam Khomeini is a Role Model for All Muslims

An interview with Professor Yaghoub Yahya:

Imam Khomeini is a Role Model for All Muslims

Professor YaghoubYahya is a Muslim scholar and lives in Nigeria. Last year on the occasion of death anniversary of Imam Khomeini he was a guest of this country. What follows is the text of an interview with him performed by Hozour magazine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 02:38

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Let`s not Neglect the Islamic Revolution

An interview with Ismail kaya:

Let's not Neglect the Islamic Revolution

Ismail Kaya is an active South African Muslim and a member of the management bureau of '' the institute of contemporary Islamic thought'' in this county. The last year in a trip that took a few days was a guest of our country and participated in a short interview with Hozour Magazine whose text follows:

Sunday, February 17, 2013 01:19

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20 Bahman 1357 AHS (February 09, 1979 C.E.)

20 Bahman 1357 AHS (February 09, 1979 C.E.)

n a message to the people of Iran...

Friday, February 08, 2013 04:14

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Twenty-Three Years after Imam Khomeini

Twenty-Three Years after Imam Khomeini

I heard a visitor whom for sure had read the Imam’s humble remark, and in an answer whispered in tears: “O Imam! What shortcomings are you talking about? As far as we are concerned, you have been all goodness, purity and light”

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 02:16

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Fighting the Illegitimate Occupiers of Quds

Fighting the Illegitimate Occupiers of Quds

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 08:20

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Sayyid Ahmad emphasized on practical criticizes

Sayyid Ahmad emphasized on practical criticizes

17 years after the demise of Hojatoleslam Hajj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, the valuable relic of Imam Khomeini has passed and still the people of Iran have sorrow on his loss. He who especially after the martyrdom of Sayyid Mustafa, Imam Khomeini’s older son, kept all the secrets of Imam and had devoted his life in the path of the divine aspirations of the Islamic revolution.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012 03:05

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