Imam Khomeini Used to Congratulate on Eve of Christmas

Imam Khomeini Used to Congratulate on Eve of Christmas

A prominent university professor says that the great Imam used to regularly express his congratulations for the Christian community on eve of Christmas whether during his stay in France or in the course of 1980s when he was the leader of Iran.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012 05:05

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Democratization of Region Will Weaken Israel

Hojjat al-Islam Dr. Mohammad Moghaddam

Democratization of Region Will Weaken Israel

A prominent intellectual says the issue of Palestine has turned into a matter of identity for the people across the region and establishment of democratic governments will pose challenges for Israel.

Saturday, August 25, 2012 12:06

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Muslims like Imam Khomeini’s Thoughts

Dr. Mohammed Iqtidar

Muslims like Imam Khomeini’s Thoughts

"The Islamic revolution has influenced other countries because now the Muslims are also willing to adapt the Sharia around the world so they are looking as an example to Iran." said Dr. Mohhamd Iqtidar.

Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:17

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Equipping the Libraries and Cultural Scientific Centers with Imam Khomeini`s Works

Equipping the Libraries and Cultural Scientific Centers with Imam Khomeini's Works

The International Affair Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works has been attempting to equip the libraries and the cultural scientific centers with Imam Khomeini's works and the institute's declarations.

Monday, July 23, 2012 01:58

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The Birth Anniversary of the Dawn of Spirituality and the Guardian of Islam

Imam Khomeini:

The Birth Anniversary of the Dawn of Spirituality and the Guardian of Islam

Congratulations on the occasion of the rising of the sun of Shaban 3rd, marking the birth anniversary of the dawn of spirituality and the guardian of Islam, who renewed the Holy Quran and rescued the Ummah of the Seal of Prophets- peace be upon him and his progeny.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 09:26

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Acknowledgment of appreciation of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Acknowledgment of appreciation of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Greetings to the brave nation of Iran and all the armed forces of the country on the occasion of Farvardin 29, marking the anniversary of the heroic and gallant Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran! [1]

Monday, April 16, 2012 01:38

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How did the Soviet Union end?

How did the Soviet Union end?

The collapse of the Soviet Union made the bipolar world disappear, a world which through the last decades had decided about the political destiny of countries. This situation eased the reliance on culture to determine different layers of foreign policies in a government-nation level by the international players. On the other hand, it confirmed that along with the cultural role of politicians, we shouldn't forget that not seeing the effects of religious features, believes and traditions of nations on structuring a culture would cause disasters.

Saturday, January 21, 2012 08:49

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Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

Gorbachev and Imam Khomeini

Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

In 1999, on the anniversary of the death of Imam Khomeini’s demise, in an interview with the IRIB News Agency in Moscow, Gorbachev regretted ignoring the Imam’s warnings three years before the collapse of the Soviet Union and said: “I think Imam Khomeini’s message addressed all the ages throughout history.” He also added: “When I received this message, I felt the person who wrote it was thoughtful and cared about the situation of the world. By studying the letter, I realized that he was someone who was worried about the world and wanted me to understand more about the Islamic revolution.”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 09:37

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