knowledge of God and His Attributes should leave deep impact on believers, Imam explains

knowledge of God and His Attributes should leave deep impact on believers, Imam explains

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explains that the knowledge of God and His Attributes should leave deep impact on believers and faithful people

Monday, May 01, 2023 10:33

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How Islamic Revolution empowered and uplifted women in Iran

How Islamic Revolution empowered and uplifted women in Iran

Contrary to reality, the women of Iran are shown as controlled and oppressed. Did the Islamic Revolution really push them back or lift them up to dignified positions and honor? Are they living in a repressive society or one that liberates and empowers them, especially women, in a progressive way?

Tuesday, February 07, 2023 11:25

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Imam Khomeini encouraged women’s participation in struggle for Islamic Revolution

Imam Khomeini encouraged women’s participation in struggle for Islamic Revolution

A memoirs by Seyyed Mahdi Tabataba’ei

Wednesday, February 01, 2023 11:38

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Imam Khomeini restored women’s personality

Imam Khomeini restored women’s personality

Aleem Nezam, Hedee – A Syrian thinker and researcher

Saturday, December 17, 2022 12:06

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