Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says a Jihad-like struggle and continued resistance is what can prevent America and other international aggressors from interfering in the affairs of the Islamic countries.
Monday, July 19, 2021 09:18
The leader of Islamic Revolution Imam Ayatollah Seyyed Ali once said Khamenei [Khomeini] was a person who advocated and brought about transformation. As for bringing about transformation, his role was not confined to being a mere teacher and instructor, rather he played the role of a commander active on the field and leading in the true sense of the word.
Tuesday, June 01, 2021 02:56
In a televised address to the Iranian nation, Ayatollah Khamenei paid homage to the late revolutionary leader and recounted his legacy. Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has commemorated the founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini on the 31st anniversary of his passing, saying the late leader shattered the presumed invincibility of superpowers.
Wednesday, June 03, 2020 11:40
President Hassan Rouhani says terrorist measures taken by the United States against Iran actually target the entire nation to make Iranians give in to US demands.
Monday, February 10, 2020 08:17
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a ceremony held at the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in south Tehran on Monday to commemorate the 29th anniversary of the passing away of the founder of the Islamic Republic.
Monday, June 04, 2018 06:53