Iranians honor 40 days after Ashura

Iranians honor 40 days after Ashura

Iranians from all walks of life mark the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH). Iranians honor 40 days after martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hossein (PBUH), the grandson of the holy prophet of Islam.

Saturday, October 27, 2018 10:25

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Iran lawmakers pass bill on fighting terror financing

Iran lawmakers pass bill on fighting terror financing

Iran's parliament has endorsed a bill on combating the financing of terrorism as a step towards implementing international standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) bill, one of four put forward by the government to meet FATF demands, was passed on Sunday by 143 votes to 120.

Sunday, October 07, 2018 05:30

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Joint efforts by Shahpour Bakhtiar and the United States to contain and suppress the Islamic Revolution

Joint efforts by Shahpour Bakhtiar and the United States to contain and suppress the Islamic ...

One of the most sensitive and important historical juncture of Iran’s Islamic revolution is the period when Shapur Bakhtiar was the prime minister. Although that period as far as time is concerned was very short its incidents and happenings were very important and decisive. This thesis is written based on value consensus theory of Chalmers Johnson. In that period the role played by the government, the army, the revolution’s leadership and groups that opposed the regime and also foreign countries and particularly the U.S. is very important.

Saturday, October 06, 2018 09:07

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Leader says Hajj demonstrates power of Islamic Ummah

Leader says Hajj demonstrates power of Islamic Ummah

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the annual Hajj pilgrimage demonstrates the power of the Islamic Ummah and boosts contacts among Muslims.

Monday, October 01, 2018 10:48

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Imam Khomeini’s recommendation on informing the Heart during prayers

Imam Khomeini’s recommendation on informing the Heart during prayers

According to Imam Khomeini, the result of such information is that after a period of perseverance the tongue of the heart will open to speaking and will become an invoker and a reminder.

Thursday, September 27, 2018 11:00

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