Putin: Russia-led alliance will foil foreign plots to stoke unrest in Kazakhstan

Putin: Russia-led alliance will foil foreign plots to stoke unrest in Kazakhstan

Russian President Vladimir Putin says the recent protests in Kazakhstan was stoked by virulent internal and external forces, insisting that the Russia-led military alliance would not permit them to destabilize the country.

Monday, January 10, 2022 12:32

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‘Disappointed’ by US signals, Russia rules out concessions in talks over Ukraine

‘Disappointed’ by US signals, Russia rules out concessions in talks over Ukraine

Russia’s deputy foreign minister says Moscow is "disappointed" by signals from Washington and Brussels demanding unilateral concessions from the Russian side ahead of talks intended to ease tensions over Ukraine.

Sunday, January 09, 2022 03:06

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US, Israel blocking elimination of chemical weapons worldwide: Iran

US, Israel blocking elimination of chemical weapons worldwide: Iran

An Iranian envoy to the United Nations has raised concerns about the possession of chemical weapons by the United States and Israel, describing the pair as the main obstacles to the elimination of such arms across the world.

Thursday, January 06, 2022 10:04

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Pure Mohammadian Islam from Imam Khomeini`s perspective

Pure Mohammadian Islam from Imam Khomeini's perspective

According to Imam Khomeini, defending the rights of the oppressed is the everlasting motto of the followers of pure Mohammadian Islam.

Friday, November 05, 2021 05:53

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Amid outcry, calls mount for urgent action to protect Afghan Shias

Amid outcry, calls mount for urgent action to protect Afghan Shias

Global condemnations continue to pour in after terrorist bombers attacked a Shia mosque in southern Afghanistan and killed dozens of worshipers attending Friday prayers.

Saturday, October 16, 2021 11:09

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Iranian ex-FM advises Azerbaijan against trying to buy security from foreigners

Iranian ex-FM advises Azerbaijan against trying to buy security from foreigners

Amid reported efforts by Azerbaijan to lean further towards the Israeli regime by hosting Israeli elements, a former Iranian foreign minister has strongly warned the Caucasus republic against trying to import security from abroad.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021 02:22

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Iran says Removing all 800 Trump-era sanctions ticket for US to return to JCPOA talks

Iran says Removing all 800 Trump-era sanctions ticket for US to return to JCPOA talks

Iran has called on the United States to effectively remove all 800 illegal sanctions imposed, re-imposed or re-labeled under former president Donald Trump, saying such a measure serves as a “ticket” for Washington to return to the negotiating table.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021 10:26

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Iran hits out at US, UK over AUKUS deal on submarines fueled with weapon-grade uranium

Iran hits out at US, UK over AUKUS deal on submarines fueled with weapon-grade uranium

Iran’s permanent ambassador to Vienna-based international organizations has lashed out at the US and UK for adopting nuclear double standards amid a decision to help Australia get its first nuclear-powered submarine under a deal known as AUKUS.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 10:27

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