The reason behind Imam`s transfer from Turkish city of Istanbul to Bursa

The reason behind Imam's transfer from Turkish city of Istanbul to Bursa

Following the exile, the Shah regime and its allies did not want Imam Khomeini get his message from the Turkish port city of Istanbul across the globe.

Sunday, December 26, 2021 09:03

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Imam Khomeini, the defender of Muslims’ rights on world stage

Imam Khomeini, the defender of Muslims’ rights on world stage

Zafar Banghash, the editor in chief of the International Crescent

Wednesday, December 01, 2021 05:27

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The documentary portray Imam`s life in exile in Turkish city of Bursa

The documentary portray Imam's life in exile in Turkish city of Bursa

A rare documentary has recently released which would portray events from Imam Khomeini’s life in exile in the Turkish city of Bursa.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 08:10

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Seminar discusses Imam’s strategy against global arrogance

Seminar discusses Imam’s strategy against global arrogance

An international seminar was recently held to discuss Imam Khomeini’s decades-long struggle against the global arrogance.

Tuesday, November 09, 2021 05:57

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Saddam and his backers faced humiliating defeat in imposed war against Iran

Saddam and his backers faced humiliating defeat in imposed war against Iran

The United States and other outside powers supplied arms to the then Saddam regime.

Sunday, November 07, 2021 09:42

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More than four decades of Resistance against global arrogance

More than four decades of Resistance against global arrogance

The triple events of November the 4th began in 1964, when Imam Khomeini, leader of the Islamic revolution of Iran was exiled to Turkey for accusing the King, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi of affiliation with the US. Years later in 1978, tens of Iranian school children were killed as they protested against the Shah for the same reason. And finally, a year later, Students of university age fearing that the revolution would be thwarted by American interference, took over the US embassy in Tehran. Imam Khomeini eventually called the takeover “A second revolution”.Iran-America relations were once famous. But as they turned sour over 40 years ago, the non-relations became as famous and has stuck till today. The turning point was Iran’s Islamic Revolution of 1979. But the western superpower, America, and the west Asian regional power, Iran, were never friends on an equal standing.

Friday, November 05, 2021 11:00

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Iranians mark 1979 takeover of `Den of Espionage

Iranians mark 1979 takeover of 'Den of Espionage

Forty-two years ago on November 4, Iranian students took over the American embassy in Tehran, also known in Iran as the “Den of Espionage”.

Thursday, November 04, 2021 10:24

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