Leader says sacred Defense proved resistance only way to protect Iran

Leader says sacred Defense proved resistance only way to protect Iran

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Sacred Defense against the ex-Iraqi regime’s eight-year war on Iran proved that protecting the country can be achieved only through resistance.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022 11:06

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Imam Khomeini`s interview in holy city of Najaf despite restrictions

Imam Khomeini's interview in holy city of Najaf despite restrictions

Imam Khomeini's supporters managed for international media to conduct interview with him at difficult juncture of history when Imam's house subject to severe restriction during exile in the holy city of Najaf.

Sunday, September 18, 2022 10:52

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Millions of Shia pilgrims descending on Karbala to commemorate Arb’aeen

Millions of Shia pilgrims descending on Karbala to commemorate Arb’aeen

Millions of Shia Muslims from dozens of countries are converging on the Iraqi holy city of Karbala to commemorate Arba’een, the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS), the third Shia Imam.

Sunday, September 11, 2022 10:12

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Imam hosted mourning ceremonies in exile

Imam hosted mourning ceremonies in exile

A memoir by Hujjat al-Islam and Muslims by Seyyed Ali Akbar Mohtashmipour

Thursday, September 01, 2022 03:17

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Iran marks CIA-orchestrated 1953 coup d`état, slams US as ‘record-holder’ in wars, coups

Iran marks CIA-orchestrated 1953 coup d'état, slams US as ‘record-holder’ in wars, coups

Tehran says the United States is a record-holder of interfering in the affairs of independent states, naming the US-orchestrated coup of 1953 in Iran as an instance of that “dark history.”

Friday, August 19, 2022 12:41

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Weather conditions could never prevent Imam from reciting Ziarat-e-Ashura on rooftop

Weather conditions could never prevent Imam from reciting Ziarat-e-Ashura on rooftop

A memoir by Imam’s domestic servant known as Jafar Mashhadi

Sunday, August 14, 2022 02:30

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