The leader of the Muslim world adopted very strong and wise diplomatic policy following the victory of the Islamic revolution in 1979.
Sunday, March 01, 2015 12:10
Iran Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham says the founder of the Islamic Republic wanted to maintain deep and meaningful ties with nations along with their governments.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 10:17
Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic frequently hailed relentless sacrifices rendered by Iranian forces fell prisoners into hands of the then Bathis regime of Iraq during the imposed war.
Sunday, August 17, 2014 04:38
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the personality of the founder of the Islamic Republic was too comprehensive as he acted as a supreme commander during the wartime and messenger of peace at the same time.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:06
Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Center for Strategic Research has held an international summit which discusses the various perspectives of foreign policy and diplomacy from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini.
Monday, June 02, 2014 07:15
Foreign guests attending the 25th departure anniversary of the founder of the Islamic Republic paid a visit to Imam Khomeini's house in Jamaran and appreciated the very simple life led by the great leader of Muslim world.
Saturday, May 31, 2014 03:26
Iran has held an international summit on dynamic Islamic diplomacy in order to actively interact with other nations and international community.
Sunday, May 12, 2013 02:19
Sunday, March 10, 2013 02:09