It has been recalled through a series of memoirs that the late founder of the Islamic Republic used to recite some recommended supplications at the holy shrine while his stay in Najaf.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:42
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic had recommended forming very strong armed forces which could defend country against internal and external threats.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 01:57
From very beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini took very serious steps to form strong armed forces which can defend the country and divine ideals.
Monday, April 15, 2019 03:21
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, announced National Military Day just two months after the victory of Islamic Revolution in 1979.
Monday, April 15, 2019 01:09
During the lapse of time, not only nothing had been added to the Imam's assets, rather, a land lot that was inherited from his father was given to the indigent people of the place during his life and by his order.
Thursday, April 11, 2019 08:02
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological workers advised believers and faithful people to display calm and tranquility while performing worship and reciting supplications.
Thursday, April 11, 2019 11:39
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 10:25
The value of those martyred at Karbala is that they defended the sanctum of Truth in the most difficult conditions one can ever imagine.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 01:26