Sayyid Hassan Khomeini issued a statement, which addressed Ayatollah Hashimi Rafsanjani and offered condolences for the demise of Sheikh Muhammad Hashimiyaan. The statement issued is as follows:
Dear Ayatollah Hashimi Rafsanjani (may God elevate your status)
The demise of Ayatollah Hajj Sheikh Muhammad Hashimiyaan has been a cause of great sorrow for all his friends. Sheikh Hashimiyaan was a companion of the Imam from the days the Imam taught in Qom up to the time he went to live in Jamaran. Sheikh Hashimiyaan supported the Islamic movement in its difficult days until the days after the revolution. He was one of Imam Khomeini’s close friends. His friendship and closeness with Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini is also an issue which will never be forgotten and will live forever. I give my condolences to you and his honourable household especially his honourable wife and children. I ask god to elevate the status of the demised one.
Sayyid Hassan Khomeini