Unity Week, Declaration of brotherhood with world Muslims

ID: 80980 | Date: 2024/09/15

Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic announced the Unity Week in order to bridge differences among Muslim community and strengthen solidarity among them.

The great Imam designated the period of the auspicious birthday of the Holy Prophet celebrations from the 12th to 17th of Rabi ul Awwal as the Islamic Unity Week. This initiative step and dynamic announcement aimed to bring all Muslims from various schools of thought on the common platform of Islamic unity.

The great Imam made Muslims realize that they ought to follow the holy prophet’s perfect path by establishing unity and solidarity among them. In this way the Muslims will become immune from the onslaughts of the hostile powers.

The subject that is of consideration for all and has always been stressed is to safeguard the unity of expression and avoid making any difference. We all know what miraculous effects the unity of the nation has created; in contrast, what miseries discord and disputes have brought upon the Muslims in the course of history. Muslims, whether Sunni or Shiah are brothers and thus, equal and all enjoy all of the Islamic privileges and rights.

According to Imam, Muslims' failure to check the evil ambitions of the hostile powers and the devilish plots of our avowed foes has been due to lack of unity.

Imam Khomeini also said that:

We want all countries to have this kind of harmony we have here. All Muslims should be one hand against the aliens. Everyone in his own environment with whatever government and whatever sect, should be independent. Muslims should be brothers and friends to one another; they should relate to each other; armies of all Islamic countries should support one another. If it were not for disunity among Muslims Israel with its little population would not dare to disregard Muslims. If there were no dispute among Islamic governments and Islamic countries, America could not rule over all countries and take away all their resources. We plan to keep our country independent, to live free and to come to terms with all Muslims of the country and with all inhabitants of the country. We wish to be united with official sects, to stick together and to preserve our country. No power can harm us if we have harmony in this small environment and with this population.

We, the nation of Iran, the government of Iran and all Iranians extend our hands to all Muslims and ask them to join this nation and strengthen brotherhood. All Muslims should have a bond of brotherhood. We extend our hands to all Islamic countries and want them to join us and be brothers with us, as Islam has said so that we overcome our problems. They should not think this unity in Iran is harmful to them. Iran is an Islamic country and wishes welfare for all Muslims. Iran sees all Muslims as their own brothers and we want all Muslims, governments and nations to be united for this goal we have: Islam.
Sahifeh Vol. 15, Page. 396-400